Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Let See The Method To Judge Domestic Environment On Particular Day

Hi, guys. Let see the method to judge domestic environment on particular day. To determine or assume domestic environment on a particular day, we may refer to transit placement of moon on the vedic individual chart. As we knew, moon is the fastest moving planet in Vedic Astrology planetary system. The moon takes 2.5 days to transit from one sign to another. During the moon transit, there are several rules where placement of transiting moon on favourable and dusthana placement from the lagna and natal moon will produce bad and good effect. As according to vedic rules, placement on 6, 8 and 12 houses are not auspicious. Refer to description below for better understanding.

Auspicious placement of transiting moon on houses

2, 5, 7, 9, 11

Not auspicious placement of transiting moon on houses

1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

But there are some astrologers referring 3 and 6th house as auspicious placement for a moon to transit according to Vedic Astrology principle. But i don’t agree according to my personal experience. Beside the moon transiting method, we also need to analyze the dasa period during vedic prediction. Failure to do so may not yield correct and accurate Vedic Astrology prediction. Ok that’s all for now. Bye……..

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