Monday, September 13, 2010

Effects Of Debilitated Planets According to Vedic Astrology

Hi all. Today i am going to discuss about the effects of debilitated planets in term of biological to human. According to Vedic Astrology, debilitated planet referring to 'death planet' and may not able to give benefit effects to human unless the debilitation get cancelled due to existence of 'Rajayoga' in the vedic chart. Rajayoga referring to combination placement of planets in favourable position which able to cancel evil effects of debilitated or weak planets. Ok, now lets see the malefic effects of debilitated planets to human in term of medical astrology. As we knew, there are number of 9 planets in Vedic Astrology. There are Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn. Lets see about the debilitated effect in the second house which represents facial and speech portion in human body. As according to Vedic Astrology, Mercury which signifies speech and communication, if debilitated in second house will cause stammering during communication process. While if the debilitated planet is Venus in second house, facial beauty of a person will be affected. How if the debilitation happens on the 7th house? The 7th house in Vedic Astrology chart represents the sexual organs of human. If the Mars which signifies blood circulations in human body, placed in debilitation in 7th house may cause impotence due to insufficient blood circulations on the sexual organ. But if the planet Venus which signifies sexual organs is strong in the vedic chart, it may help to reduce the evil effects of debilitation (impotence) on the 7th house.


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