Sunday, September 19, 2010

Changes Of Human Characteristics Due To Planetary Influences According To Vedic Astrology

Hi all. Lets talk about changes of human characteristics due to transit planetary influences. For people who are reading my blogs, they may knew that there are 9 planets in our Vedic Astrology planetary cabinet. Among the 9 planets, transition of Jupiter and Saturn are the most important as Jupiter takes almost one year to complete the transit period on a sign while Saturn takes around 2 and a 1/2 years to complete transiting a sign. While other planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and Mercury) takes around a month to transit. The another 2 planets which are the Rahu and Ketu takes around 1 and a 1/2 years to complete the transit period. According to Vedic Astrology, the human characterictics are completely influenced by the movement or transiting effects by the 9 planets in a vedic chart. For instance, transiting effects of planet Ketu especially on the first and second house may inclines human towards mystic science and spiritual pursuits as the first house represent the person and second house represents the domestic environment, family life and living conditions of a person. Besides that, transition by ketu on first and second house also increase the desire of a person to look after stray dogs or to grow up dog in the home. While, in some other cases, transiting ketu in the first and second house may creates friendships with others working in work places such as clinics and hospitals. This is due to ketu's signification in illness and medicine. Saturn which transit for time period of two and a half years in a sign also has its own transition impacts to human characteristics. When Saturn transit on the 4th house on the vedic charts, a person tend to renovate the house, planning to get married and desired to get involves in other home related issues. While Rahu who always placed in opposite sign of ketu in a vedic chart, if placed in 7th house during transit period will increase the sexual desire of a person which may lead to adultery issues if running on unfavourable dasa period.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Signification Of Jupiter For Husband

Hi all. Lets talk about the signification of Jupiter for husband according to Vedic Astrology. Most of people knew that 7th house in vedic chart used to analyse characteristic of husband according to Vedic Astrology. But they are other factors which need to be analysed by an astrologer for ensuring accurate prediction. Jupiter plays important role in signifying husband in female vedic chart. If the Jupiter is placed in bad placement (6th,8th and 12th house) or in weak strength in vedic chart, a bad or non-supportive husband is predicted according to Vedic Astrology Although planet Venus signifies happy marriage life, a good strength of Jupiter in vedic chart needed to ensure longevity of marriage and to blessed with good husband. Jupiter association with bad or malefics planet in a female vedic chart will also cause trouble to husband in his daily life. If the Jupiter placed in exaltation sign (cancer sign) in a female chart, the husband will be conferred with good fortune and wealth. Besides that, longevity and properity of marriage life is predicted by vedic astrologer if Jupiter placed strong or exalted in vedic chart.


Relationship With In Laws According To Vedic Astrology

Hi all. Today i am going to discuss about the influences of planets on relationship with in-laws according to Vedic Astrology. According to Vedic Astrology, the 8th house used to analyse the relationship of a person with his or her in-laws. Placement of 8th house in dusthana houses ( 6th,8th and 12th house) and weak in strength in vedic chart may cause misunderstanding and disagreement with family in-laws. Besides that, the influences of 10th house for mother in law and 3rd house for father in law will be additional deciding factors for in laws relationship. Placement of malefics in the 3rd house will confer a person with father in law of low morality and less beneficial to individual. While placement of good planets will confer an influence father in law who support his son in law in term of all round aspects. The same goes to 10th house which signify mother in law. Beside that, position and strength of Sun which signify father in law and Venus which signify mother in law ( Moon in some cases ) in vedic chart also plays role in relatioship deciding factors.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Effects Of Debilitated Planets According to Vedic Astrology

Hi all. Today i am going to discuss about the effects of debilitated planets in term of biological to human. According to Vedic Astrology, debilitated planet referring to 'death planet' and may not able to give benefit effects to human unless the debilitation get cancelled due to existence of 'Rajayoga' in the vedic chart. Rajayoga referring to combination placement of planets in favourable position which able to cancel evil effects of debilitated or weak planets. Ok, now lets see the malefic effects of debilitated planets to human in term of medical astrology. As we knew, there are number of 9 planets in Vedic Astrology. There are Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn. Lets see about the debilitated effect in the second house which represents facial and speech portion in human body. As according to Vedic Astrology, Mercury which signifies speech and communication, if debilitated in second house will cause stammering during communication process. While if the debilitated planet is Venus in second house, facial beauty of a person will be affected. How if the debilitation happens on the 7th house? The 7th house in Vedic Astrology chart represents the sexual organs of human. If the Mars which signifies blood circulations in human body, placed in debilitation in 7th house may cause impotence due to insufficient blood circulations on the sexual organ. But if the planet Venus which signifies sexual organs is strong in the vedic chart, it may help to reduce the evil effects of debilitation (impotence) on the 7th house.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Role of Jupiter In Conferring Education

            Hi friends, lets discuss about the role of Jupiter in term of education. Jupiter plays a important role in conferring education in human lifespan. A good strength of natal Jupiter is needed to graduate at least with a first degree or advance diploma by human. Although the non-believers of Vedic Astrology may find hard to believe it but it is proven through my personal observations of hundreds of vedic charts. Although the running period of bad dasa may delay the process of acquiring the first degree or advance diploma but a strong planet Jupiter will help human to achieve the target before the end of lifespan. Besides that, although the benefic planets influences on the 4th house and the placement of 4th house lord in good house needed for educational success for a person, still the existence of planet Jupiter in strength in vedic chart is vital for completing first degree with flying colours. Bye....


How To Judge Morality Of A Person According To Vedic Astrology

           Hi friends, today lets discuss about the method to analyse the morality of a person by referring to Vedic Astrology chart. Most of us know that Jupiter plays important role in guiding human making lesser sins and involvement in indulgences. But that is not the only factor which decides it. Sun, lord of 9th and lord of 10th house also play their parts. For instance, if the Jupiter placed weak in strength in the vedic chart, that particular person may prone to indulgent activities such as drinking liquor, intimate relationship with opposite gender, likes to manipulate issues for own benefits and many others. But if the planet Sun or lord of 9th or 10th house placed in strength in vedic chart, the tendency to commit sins by that person will be highly reduced. The reasons are as explained further. Sun which signifies leadership will always influence a person to lead people towards success and benefit to them which will eliminate selfishness attitudes. Besides that, planet Sun will confer individual with status among the community by doing good deeds. While existence of lord of 9th house in strength in vedic chart may help a person to follow the path of Darma (not against the religion principles) in their daily life routine. The lord of 10th house (house of Karma) signifies the level of fame among the community and person's responsibilities toward nature and mankind.
              OMM NAMASHIVAYA


Friday, September 10, 2010

Role Of Saturn In Paying Back Hardwork According To Vedic Astrology

            Hi all, today i am going to discuss about the role of planet Saturn in conferring back benefit to individuals hard work. Ok, we all knew that not all the hard work by human being paid off. Right? Do you know why? It's all depends on Saturn placement in a person's chart. For instant, if planet Saturn placed weak in strength in a person's chart, all the effort by a person on particular issue may not bring benefits. Planet Saturn considered as weak in strength if placed in high percentage of infancy or old age. A planet is considered in infancy status if placed between 0 to 5 degrees and in old age status if placed between 25 to 30 degrees. Beside that, planet Saturn also considered as weak if placed in a fallen sign . Aries considered as fallen sign according to Vedic Astrology. Then how if Saturn is placed in a bad placement (house of dustana) but still strong in strength (placed not in Aries sign)? Planet Saturn's signification is not affected but may cause trouble in term of lordship of particular house affected due to bad placement. Understood? Then how if planet Mars which considered as 'planet of execution' in Vedic Astrology is strong in an individual vedic chart but planet Saturn is weak in vedic chart? Ok, first of all we need to understand that although planet Mars need to be strong in an individual vedic chart for better execution power through lifespan, but planet Saturn or better known as 'Lord Saniswaran' plays important role in Karmic effect of human life. So it is clear that, without strength of planet Saturn, any effort of human may not bring benefits.

             OMM NAMASHIVAYA                   

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Planet In Own House According To Vedic Astrology

      Hi friends, today i am going to discuss about the characteristics of planets placed in their own houses. By the way, what is placing in their own house means? Placing in their own house means that placement of the planet in their own sign or house rulership. For instant, imagine that a native's lagna ( first house of natal chart in Vedic Astrology chart ) is in Gemini sign, so the second sign will be the Cancer. If the moon placed in second house, it's said that moon placed in own sign. Understood? Ok now let get into the details. According to Vedic Astrology, it is good and favourable for a person if planets placed in their own houses. But how about the characteristics of planets? Is it will be favourable position for the native in term of social communication abilities? Based on my personal experiences, planets placing in their own houses may affect the public appearance and popularity of native in society. We go for another example. For instant, imagine that a native's 7th house (signify marriage life and life partner) lord placed in own house. What does it means? How will be the character of his wife? Due to placement of own sign by ruler of 7th house, the wife will independent and reluctant to share important issues with her husband. She will also like to stay away from involving in relationship with family in-laws. There will be also poor understanding and different opinions in family related issues between husband and wife. But we still need to analyse the strength and placement of Venus (significant of happy marriage life) to jump into the conclusion for accurate Vedic Astrology prediction. Ok, now lets imagine that planet placed in own first house ( Lagna lord placed in own house). What will happen then? Very simple. As the first house represent the individual, it will cause the native to be independent, staying alone without getting support or having life partner through the life. Ok that all for now. Bye........